PWPW awarded the “Polish Company – International Champion” title | |
(06-12-2017) |

On 5 December of this year, Polska Wytwórnia Papierów Wartościowych S.A. received a distinction in the prestigious "Polish Company - International Champion" competition in the State Treasury Company - Foreign Expansion category. The competition was organised by PwC and Puls Biznesu, under the honorary patronage of the Ministry of Economic Development and the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
This year, the 6th edition of the competition was attended by over 90 companies. "What certainly connects all this year's winners is technological advancement and a well-developed strategy of entering foreign markets", said Jacek Socha, Vice-President of PwC.
PWPW S.A. has been consistently building its international position in particularly sensitive markets, including ensuring the reliability of identification and transactional processes. The company exports, among others, comprehensive solutions for identification of citizens, i.e. passports (traditional and biometric), electronic identity cards and ICT systems supporting the personalisation, issuance and operation of these documents, as well as basic payment instruments, i.e. banknotes and payment cards.
Each contract involves the design of a new document or banknote, its security concept, production technology or the design of specific IT solutions.
The products of PWPW S.A. are used by citizens of more than thirty countries around the world. The aim of the "Polish Company - International Champion" competition is to promote Polish private businesses and state-owned companies with significant success in foreign markets as investors or exporters, and to promote the benefits that can be derived from such activities not only by the companies themselves, but also by the entire Polish economy. The competition is an excellent addition to the government's plans for the Strategy for Responsible Development.