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Company details

The registered office of PWPW is located at 1 R. Sanguszki Street, 00-222 Warsaw, Poland.  The company has been entered in the register of entrepreneurs maintained by the District Court for the City of Warsaw, 12th Commercial Department of the Polish Business Register, under number 0000062594.  The share and paid-up capital amounts to PLN 130 650 380.00. The company holds tax identification number (NIP) 525-000-10-90

Registered office and address:

Polska Wytwórnia Papierów Wartościowych S.A. ( Polish Security Printing Works)

ul. R. Sanguszki 1

00-222 Warszawa


Registry Court where the company's files are kept and its registration number in the Polish Business Register (KRS):

District Court for the City of Warsaw, 12th Commercial Department of the Polish Business Register, KRS No. 0000062594


Tax identification number (NIP):



Amount of share and paid-up capital:

PLN 130 650 380.00